Monday, April 02, 2007

Good start to the month

Running at 23.95 PTBB/100 so far in April over 966 hands of $.50 NL, which is nearly 5 buy-ins profit. Everything so far has been pretty standard with some good cards, although I found that I've inadvertently been playing a lot tighter preflop. I'm averaging 17.39%VPIP so far compared to my normal 22-23ish. On the flip side, my PFR is lower than normal at 12%. I imagine I'm probably calling too many 3-bets, because I'm putting in the first raise on a good chunk of what I'm playing.

I played 5 tournaments late Saturday night/Sunday morning and only cashed in one for a small amount. I might play another couple over the remainder of this week, but I'll probably stick primarily to cash games since I'm running really hot there.


This hand is nothing too exciting and I'm still not positive I played it completely correctly. These kinds of hands have given me problems in the past. Villain seemed to be pretty loose/passive preflop and overall a rather poor player calling down with too much stuff.

Seat 1: SB ($39.40 in chips)
Seat 2: BB ($49.05 in chips)
Seat 3: Hero ($49.75 in chips)
Seat 6: Villain ($61.70 in chips)
bodman1: posts small blind $0.25
bassjada23: posts big blind $0.50
Appetjoek: sits out
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to corndog04 [7c 7d]
Hero: raises $1.50 to $2
Villain: calls $2
SB: folds
BB: folds

This is a pretty standard bet in this situation. Villain will call with probably the top 50% of his hands here, so I don't quite know what to expect.

*** FLOP *** [5d 3d 2d]
Hero: bets $3
Villain: calls $3

I probably should have bet more here, maybe $4 or $5. Not much information gained really, as this could be anything from a high diamond, straight draw, or even a pair of fives or something. With the heavy draws out there I don't think he has a made hand yet b/c he would need to raise to protect anything but a nut flush.

*** TURN *** [5d 3d 2d] [Qc]
Hero: bets $4
Villain: calls $4

This bet size was even worse than the flop bet. I guess it is some sort of probe bet, but it surely won't scare this guy off any draws from what I've seen. I think with him calling behind I can probably eliminate any chance that he hit the flop hard, as he would almost certainly raise by now. I don't think the queen could have hit him unless by dumb luck.

At this point I have to plan for the river. I'm reasonably sure that I am ahead. However, I'm not confident enough to value bet. I decide to check a non-scary river and give him a chance to bluff a worse hand. I will bet a scary river and fold to any raise. Reasonable? I don't know.

*** RIVER *** [5d 3d 2d Qc] [2h]
Hero: checks
Villain: bets $20

He made a better stab at this pot than I expected. Although I had planned to call if he bet, I wasn't expecting it to be a full pot-sized bet. I had to tank here and really try to determine his ranges. I decided he is betting this amount on a monster or a pure bluff. As far as monster hands, this could be 55, 33, A4, a good flush, or 2-x. Of those, I can only see 2-x or diamond A-x playing it this way. His bluffing hands are any missed high diamond, or any missed straight draw where he held an A, a 4, or a 6 in his hand, K5, A5, K3, and A3.

This was a very close situation for me. I felt I had an edge against his range but I have been historically bad at making high dollar and somewhat thin +EV calls like this.

Hero: calls $20
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Villain: shows [4s Ks] (a pair of Deuces)
Hero: shows [7c 7d] (two pair, Sevens and Deuces)
corndog04 collected $56.75 from pot

There we have it. I feel like I made the correct call, but I've found myself in a similar situation before where I've lost some decent money calling a river bet like this. I think the key difference this time was that I did a better job of processing his ranges here and determining what kinds of hands he is moving like this with, and realized it was dominated by hands that I'm beating.


I submitted some resumes today for a couple of positions in semiconductor-based companies. Both of them call for a MS degree or a BS with experience, so I have that covered at least. I'm starting to think that nothing is going to come from the interviews I had a couple of weeks ago with one of the big semi companies but I'm going to try to give them a call to follow up within the next day or two.


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